" In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player , who had nothing but me between him and our goal line , " said Tim .
Li ming : look ! Their midfielder chipped a backpass over the goal line , fortunately our left back stopped his shot .
Robots cannot be placed nor remain behind the goal line .
The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area .
The goal line looks ever more distant .
He used to run over the goal line , through the end zone and up the tunnel .
Anybody gets between me and that goal line
During the last 20 yards , you can 't let them cross that goal line .
Tom had stepped out of bounds before he reached the goal line .
Life is like a football match , where the principle is to rush to the goal line .
A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two - yard line .
Electronic eyes on the goal line may settle arguments , but the data is still only a reconstruction of reality .
Smith fumbled at the goal line .
A score in American football ; being in possession of the ball across the opponents ' goal line .
The star half-back jetted toward the goal line .
This stunning goal line clearance kept England in the game against Trinidad and Tobago during the competition .
Great ideas can come from anywhere ; often the biggest barrier to getting it over the goal line is knowing what to do next .
When Messi or any player scores in the future , soccer officials want to make sure the ball crossed the goal line .
A free kick from the corner awarded to the other side when a player has sent the ball behind his own goal line .
You know I 'm talking about : fumbled at the goal line , stuck your foot in your mouth once you got the microphone ,
Now each child had to climb into a sack from a standing position , hop to a goal line , return and climb out of the sack .
Nic Fleming is a London-based science and technology writer , he believes the use of goal line technology is a chance to educate people about the role of uncertainty in science .
Mean of experiments is a good method to decrease the error , however it will raise a requirement on phantom images : the goal line between two kinds of materials must be vertical or horizontal .
Tosic brought down Eikrem 's diagonal pass from right to left and then slalomed his way past several Hull defenders before stabbing the ball over the goal line .
John : Right . So a corner kick happens when the attacking team leaves the field of play by crossing the goal line without the goal having been scored and also it was last touched by the defending player .
In the first match , England 's Frank Lampard would have tied the score at 2-all before half-time , but officials did not see his shot bounce across the goal line and rebound out after hitting under the . The score remained 2-1 .
This research generally indicated that the reader could make the predictive inference on the goal on line .
The part of image processing must extract the target form images rapidly , and this paper described the method of ball , goal and white line .
User friendly interface , and stable and reliable running , and the test results have achieved the desired goal , in line with the requirements of the mission statement .
Yet , it can take years to take that goal to the finish line .